Kings Tulare Area Agency on Aging Image

Medicare Counseling (HICAP)

Medicare Counseling (HICAP)

Medicare Enrollment PSA (Espanol)


Ask us about "Extra Help" paying for Medicare Wellness & Preventative Benefits.

Wondering how to sign up for Medicare now that you are almost 65?

Confused about all the different parts to Medicare—do you need A, B, C, D?

Have questions on prescription drug coverage, co-pays, or eligibility rules?

Need help filing an appeal or challenging a denial?

Considering long-term care insurance?

Are you looking for rewarding volunteer work?

HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program) has answers to these and many other questions! Our counselors are trained in Medi-Cal and Medicare and can help you navigate the complex insurance options to find the best fit for you. HICAP services are free of charge and are available at several locations throughout Tulare and Kings Counties, including Visalia, Tulare, Porterville, Dinuba, and Hanford. You can also learn about Medicare or Medi-Cal by attending one of the many community presentations or conferences conducted by HICAP counselors.

To contact a HICAP counselor, or to request that HICAP make a presentation at your organization, conference, or place of business, please call: 1-800-434-0222. Alternatively, you may email us your questions at

“This project was supported, in whole or in part, by grant number(s) 2101CAMISH, 2101CAMIAA, 2101CAMIDR, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy”

This project is funded in part through a  grant from the California Department of Aging, as allocated by the Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging. 

The HICAP Office Has Moved!

We are excited to announce that on August 21, 2017, HICAP relocated to their new location, 


    New Address:
3350 W. Mineral King
 Visalia, Ca.  93291

(559) 713-2875
Toll Free: 
(800) 434-0222
(559) 713-3732